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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

NEW Purex Crystals LIMITED EDITION fabulously fresh

Disclaimer: "The Purex" brand provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own."

If you are like me when it comes to doing your laundry you not only want your clothes to look and feel their best but also look for a fresh scent that is long lasting.

Introducing NEW Purex Crystals LIMITED EDITION fabulously fresh. The first time I used this
product while doing my laundry, I was excited to see the end results which was a long lasting, fresh scent that really enhanced my laundry routine.

The benefits you will get out of this product are:

  • Clothes that smell Fabulously Fresh for weeks at a time, not days
  • Product does not reduce the absorbency of towels
  • Safe for all loads and washing machines including HE-"High Efficiency Washers", children's sleepwear and athletic wear
So if you are ready to wake up your senses the next time you do a load of try laundry, don't forget to add Purex Crystals LIMITED EDITION fabulously fresh.

While your add it, don't forget to enter  for a chance to WIN a $1,000 shopping spree plus a year's supply of Limited Edition Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh. Good Luck!
To enter the contest, click on the link: